Package 'decompr'

Title: Global Value Chain Decomposition
Description: Three global value chain (GVC) decompositions are implemented. The Leontief decomposition derives the value added origin of exports by country and industry as in Hummels, Ishii and Yi (2001). The Koopman, Wang and Wei (2014) decomposition splits country-level exports into 9 value added components, and the Wang, Wei and Zhu (2013) decomposition splits bilateral exports into 16 value added components. Various GVC indicators based on these decompositions are computed in the complimentary 'gvc' package. --- References: --- Hummels, D., Ishii, J., & Yi, K. M. (2001). The nature and growth of vertical specialization in world trade. Journal of international Economics, 54(1), 75-96. Koopman, R., Wang, Z., & Wei, S. J. (2014). Tracing value-added and double counting in gross exports. American Economic Review, 104(2), 459-94. Wang, Z., Wei, S. J., & Zhu, K. (2013). Quantifying international production sharing at the bilateral and sector levels (No. w19677). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Authors: Bastiaan Quast [aut, cre] , Fei Wang [aut], Victor Stolzenburg [aut], Oliver Reiter [ctb], Sebastian Krantz [ctb]
Maintainer: Bastiaan Quast <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 6.8.0
Built: 2025-03-04 03:16:38 UTC

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Global Value Chain Decomposition


Three global value chain (GVC) decompositions are implemented. The Leontief decomposition derives the value added origin of exports by country and industry as in Hummels, Ishii and Yi (2001). The Koopman, Wang and Wei (2014) decomposition splits country-level exports into 9 value added components, and the Wang, Wei and Zhu (2013) decomposition splits bilateral exports into 16 value added components. Various GVC indicators based on these decompositions are computed in the complimentary 'gvc' package.


Interface function for quick analysis


Function to load ICIO table and create a 'decompr' object


Functions to perform GVC decompositions on a 'decompr' object


Function to obtain KWW decomposition from WWZ decomposition


Example ICIO data



Bastiaan Quast [email protected]
Fei Wang
Victor Stolzenburg
Sebastian Krantz


Hummels, D., Ishii, J., & Yi, K. M. (2001). The nature and growth of vertical specialization in world trade. Journal of international Economics, 54(1), 75-96.

Koopman, R., Wang, Z., & Wei, S. J. (2014). Tracing value-added and double counting in gross exports. American Economic Review, 104(2), 459-94.

Wang, Zhi, Shang-Jin Wei, and Kunfu Zhu (2013). Quantifying international production sharing at the bilateral and sector levels (No. w19677). National Bureau of Economic Research.

See Also

Interface Function for Decompositions


This function loads an ICIO table and runs a specified decomposition. It provides a compact interface for quick analysis.


  o = NULL,
  v = NULL,
  method = c("leontief", "kww", "wwz"),



a Input Output Table object - a list with elements 'inter' (= x), 'final' (= y), 'output' (= o), 'countries' (= k) and 'industries' (= i) of class 'iot'. Alternatively these objects can be passed directly to the function, at least x, y, k and i need to be supplied.


intermediate demand table supplied as a numeric matrix of dimensions GN x GN (G = no. of country, N = no. of industries). Both rows and columns should be arranged first by country, then by industry (e.g. C1I1, C1I2, ..., C2I1, C2I2, ...) and should match (symmetry), such that rows and columns refer to the same country-industries.


final demand table supplied as a numeric matrix of dimensions GN x MN (M = no. of final demand categories recorded for each country). The rows of y need to match the rows of x, and the columns should also be arranged first by country, then by final demand category (e.g. C1FD1, C1FD2, ..., C2FD1, C2FD2, ...) with the order of the countries the same as in x.


character. A vector of country or region names of length G, arranged in the same order as they occur in the rows and columns of x, y.


character. A vector of country or region names of length N, arranged in the same order as they occur in the rows and columns of x and rows of y.


numeric. A vector of final outputs for each country-industry matching the rows of x and y. If not provided it will be computed as rowSums(x) + rowSums(y).


numeric. A vector of value added for each country-industry matching the columns of x. If not provided it will be computed as o - colSums(x).


character. The decomposition method, either "leontief", "kww" or "wwz".


further arguments passed to leontief, kww or wwz.


For more detailed analysis with multiple decompositions consider using load_tables_vectors to create a 'decompr' class object and then run the decomposition functions leontief, kww and wwz on the object.


Depends on the decomposition, see leontief, kww or wwz.


Bastiaan Quast


Timmer, Marcel P. (ed) (2012), "The World Input-Output Database (WIOD): Contents Sources and Methods", WIOD Working Paper Number 10, downloadable at

Wang, Zhi, Shang-Jin Wei, and Kunfu Zhu (2013). Quantifying international production sharing at the bilateral and sector levels. No. w19677. National Bureau of Economic Research.

See Also



# Load leather example data

# Explore the data

## Decomposing gross exports:

# Perform the Leontief decomposition
decomp(leather, method = "leontief")

# Perform the KWW decomposition
decomp(leather, method = "kww")

# Perform the WWZ decomposition
decomp(leather, method = "wwz")

Koopman-Wang-Wei Decomposition of Gross Exports


This function performs the Koopman-Wang-Wei (2014) decomposition of a countries gross exports into 9 separate value added components.





an object of the class 'decompr' obtained from load_tables_vectors.


A data frame where a countries gross exports is decomposed into 9 components (columns), as detailed in Figure 1 of the AER paper:

Term Description
DVA_FIN Domestic VA in final goods exports.
DVA_INT Domestic VA in intermediate exports absorbed by direct importers (used to produce a locally consumed final good).
DVA_INTrex Domestic VA in intermediate exports reexported to third countries and absorbed there.
RDV_FIN Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns home via final imports.
RDV_INT Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns home via intermediate imports (used to produce a domestically consumed final good).
DDC Double counted DVA in intermediate exports (arising from 2-way trade in intermediate goods).
FVA_FIN Foreign VA in final goods exports.
FVA_INT Foreign VA in intermediate exports.
FDC Double counted FVA in intermediate exports (arising from 2-way trade in intermediate goods).


Sebastian Krantz


Koopman, R., Wang, Z., & Wei, S. J. (2014). Tracing value-added and double counting in gross exports. American Economic Review, 104(2), 459-94.

See Also

wwz, wwz2kww, decompr-package


# Load example data

# Create intermediate object (class 'decompr')
decompr_object <- load_tables_vectors(leather)
# Perform the KWW decomposition

Leather Example ICIO Data


An example 3 x 3 ICIO table describing a GVC for leather products with industries 'Agriculture', 'Textile and Leather' and 'Transport Equipment' for the countries 'Argentina', 'Turkey' and 'Germany'.




A list of class 'iot' with the following elements:


9 x 9 input output matrix where each column gives the value of inputs supplied to the corresponding country-industry by each row country-industry.


9 x 3 final demand matrix showing the final demand in each country (column) for each country-industry's (rows) produce.


character vector of country names (matching columns of final).


character vector of industries, such that as.vector(t(outer(countries, industries, FUN = paste, sep = "."))) generates the row- and column-names of inter and the rownames of final.


A vector of gross country-industry output. In a complete productive system it should be equal to rowSums(inter) + rowSums(final).

See Also


Leontief Decomposition


The Leontief decomposition of gross flows (exports, final demand, output) into their value added origins.


leontief(x, post = c("exports", "output", "final_demand", "none"), long = TRUE)



an object of class decompr.


post-multiply the value added multiplier matrix [VB=V(IA)1VB = V(I-A)^{-1}] with something to deduce the value added origins thereof. The default is "exports" VAE=V(IA)1EVAE = V(I-A)^{-1}E, where EE is a diagonal matrix with exports along the diagonal yielding the country-industry level sources of value added (rows) for each using (column) country-industry; similarly for "output". Option "final_demand" computes value added origins of final demand by source country-industry and importing country, by computing VAY=V(IA)1YVAY = V(I-A)^{-1}Y where YY is the corresponding GN x G matrix contained in x. Option "none" just returns VBVB which gives the value added shares.


logical. Transform the output data into a long (tidy) data set or not, default is TRUE.


The Leontief decomposition is obtained by pre-multiplying the flow measure (e.g. exports) with the value added multiplier matrix [VB=V(IA)1VB = V(I-A)^{-1}], obtained by pre-multiplying the Leontief Inverse matrix [B=(IA)1B = (I-A)^{-1}] with a diagonal matrix [VV] containing the direct value added share in each industries output.

VV is obtained as diag(v / o) where o is total industry output. v is either supplied to load_tables_vectors or computed as o - colSums(x) with x the raw IO matrix. If o is not supplied to load_tables_vectors, it is computed as rowSums(x) + rowSums(y) where y is the matrix of final demands. If both o and v are not supplied to load_tables_vectors, this is equivalent to computing VV as diag(1 - colSums(A)), with AA is the row-normalized IO matrix also used to compute the Leontief Inverse [BB].


If long = TRUE a molten data frame containing the elements of the decomposed flows matrix in the final column, preceded by several identifier columns. If long = FALSE the decomposed flows matrix is simply returned.


Bastiaan Quast


Leontief, W. (Ed.). (1986). Input-output economics. Oxford University Press.

Hummels, D., Ishii, J., & Yi, K. M. (2001). The nature and growth of vertical specialization in world trade. Journal of international Economics, 54(1), 75-96.

Wang, Zhi, Shang-Jin Wei, and Kunfu Zhu (2013). Quantifying international production sharing at the bilateral and sector levels (No. w19677). National Bureau of Economic Research.

See Also

kww, wwz, decompr-package


# Load example data

# Create intermediate object (class 'decompr')
decompr_object <- load_tables_vectors(leather)

# Perform the Leontief decomposition of each country-industries 
# exports into their value added origins by country-industry

Load the Input-Output and Final Demand Tables: Depreciated Interface


This function loads the demand tables and defines all variables for the decomposition. It is kept in the package for backward compatibility. New users should use load_tables_vectors instead.


load_tables(x, y)



the intermediate demand table, it has dimensions GN x GN (G = no. of country, N = no. of industries), excluding the first row and the first column which contains the country names, and the second row and second column which contain the industry names for each country. In addition, an extra row at the end should contain final demand.


the final demand table it has dimensions GN x MN, excluding the first row and the first column which contains the country names, the second column which contains the industry names for each country, and second row which contains the five decomposed final demands (M).


Adapted from code by Fei Wang.


A 'decompr' class object.


Bastiaan Quast

See Also


Load the Input-Output and Final Demand Tables


This function loads the demand tables and creates all matrices and variables required for the GVC decompositions.


  o = NULL,
  v = NULL,
  null_inventory = FALSE



a Input Output Table object - a list with elements 'inter' (= x), 'final' (= y), 'output' (= o), 'countries' (= k) and 'industries' (= i) of class 'iot'. Alternatively these objects can be passed directly to the function, at least x, y, k and i need to be supplied.


intermediate demand table supplied as a numeric matrix of dimensions GN x GN (G = no. of country, N = no. of industries). Both rows and columns should be arranged first by country, then by industry (e.g. C1I1, C1I2, ..., C2I1, C2I2, ...) and should match (symmetry), such that rows and columns refer to the same country-industries.


final demand table supplied as a numeric matrix of dimensions GN x MN (M = no. of final demand categories recorded for each country). The rows of y need to match the rows of x, and the columns should also be arranged first by country, then by final demand category (e.g. C1FD1, C1FD2, ..., C2FD1, C2FD2, ...) with the order of the countries the same as in x.


character. A vector of country or region names of length G, arranged in the same order as they occur in the rows and columns of x, y.


character. A vector of country or region names of length N, arranged in the same order as they occur in the rows and columns of x and rows of y.


numeric. A vector of final outputs for each country-industry matching the rows of x and y. If not provided it will be computed as rowSums(x) + rowSums(y).


numeric. A vector of value added for each country-industry matching the columns of x. If not provided it will be computed as o - colSums(x).


logical. TRUE sets the inventory (last final demand category for each country) to zero.


Adapted from code by Fei Wang.


A 'decompr' class object - a list with the following elements:

Am Imported / Exported goods IO shares matrix (x column-normalized by output o, with domestic entries set to 0).
B Leontief Inverse matrix (IA)1(I - A)^{-1} where AA is x column-normalized by output o.
Bd Domestic part of Leontief Inverse matrix (inter-country elements of BB set to 0, needed for WWZ decomposition).
Bm Imported / Exported part of Leontief Inverse matrix (domestic elements of BB set to 0, needed for WWZ decomposition).
L Domestic economy Leontief Inverse matrix (IAd)1(I - Ad)^{-1} where AdAd is AA with all inter-country elements set to 0.
E Total Exports (output of each country-industry servicing foreign production or foreign final demand).
ESR Total Exports by destination country.
Eint Exports for intermediate production by destination country.
Efd Exports for final demand by destination country.
Vc Value added content of output (v / o).
G Number of countries.
N Number of industries.
GN Number of country-industries.
k Vector of country names.
i Vector of industry names.
rownam Unique country-industry names identifying the rows / columns of x and rows of y.
X Total Output ( = o).
Y Total Final Demand by destination country.
Yd Domestic Final Demand.
Ym Foreign Final Demand.


Bastiaan Quast

See Also

leontief, kww, wwz, decompr-package


# Load example data

# Create intermediate object (class 'decompr')
decompr_object <- load_tables_vectors(leather)

# Examine the object                                    

Wang-Wei-Zhu Decomposition of Gross Exports


This function performs the Wang-Wei-Zhu decomposition of country-sector level gross exports into 16 value added components by importing country.


wwz(x, verbose = FALSE)



an object of the class 'decompr' obtained from load_tables_vectors.


logical, should timings of the calculation be displayed? Default is FALSE


Adapted from code by Fei Wang.


A data frame with exports decomposed into 16 components (columns), as detailed in Table E1 in the appendix of the paper, and additional diagnostic items:

Term Description
DVA_FIN Domestic VA in final goods exports.
DVA_INT Domestic VA in intermediate exports used by direct importer to produce domestic final goods consumed at home.
DVA_INTrexI1 Domestic VA in intermediate exports used by the direct importer to produce intermediate exports for production of final goods in third countries that are then imported and consumed by the direct importer.
DVA_INTrexF Domestic VA in intermediate exports used by the direct importer to produce final goods exports to third countries.
DVA_INTrexI2 Domestic VA in Intermediate exports used by the direct importer to produce intermediate exports to third countries.
RDV_INT Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns via intermediate imports (i.e. is used to produce a locally consumed final good).
RDV_FIN Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns home via final goods imports from the direct importer.
RDV_FIN2 Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns home via in final goods imports from third countries.
OVA_FIN Third countries’ VA in final goods exports.
MVA_FIN Direct importer’s VA in final goods exports.
OVA_INT Third countries’ VA in intermediate exports.
MVA_INT Direct importer’s VA in intermediate exports.
DDC_FIN Double counted Domestic VA used to produce final goods exports.
DDC_INT Double counted Domestic VA used to produce intermediate exports.
ODC Double counted third countries’ VA in home country’s exports production.
MDC Double counted direct importer’s VA in home country’s exports production.
Diagnostic Item Description
texp Total Exports (matrix 'ESR' from load_tables_vectors).
texpint Exports for intermediate production (matrix 'Eint' from load_tables_vectors).
texpfd Exports for final demand (matrix 'Efd' from load_tables_vectors).
texpdiff Difference between Total Exports and the sum of the 16 terms.
texpdiffpercent ... in percent of total exports.
texpfddiff Difference between Final Exports and the sum of terms DVA_FIN, OVA_FIN and MVA_FIN.
texpfddiffpercent ... in percent of final exports.
texpintdiff Difference between Intermediate Exports and the sum of all the remaining terms (except DVA_FIN, OVA_FIN and MVA_FIN).
texpintdiffpercent ... in percent of intermediate exports.
DViX_Fsr DVA embodied in gross exports based on forward linkage.


Bastiaan Quast


Wang, Zhi, Shang-Jin Wei, and Kunfu Zhu (2013). Quantifying international production sharing at the bilateral and sector levels (No. w19677). National Bureau of Economic Research.

See Also

kww, wwz2kww, decompr-package


# Load example data

# Create intermediate object (class 'decompr')
decompr_object <- load_tables_vectors(leather)

# Perform the WWZ decomposition

Koopman-Wang-Wei from Wang-Wei-Zhu Decomposition


This function by default returns a disaggregated version of the the Koopman-Wang-Wei (KWW) decomposition breaking up sector-level gross exports into 9 value added terms, from an already computed and more detailed (16 term) Wang-Wei-Zhu decomposition of sector-level gross exports. An aggregation option also allows obtaining the aggregate KWW decomposition.


wwz2kww(x, aggregate = FALSE)



a data frame with the WWZ decomposition obtained from wwz. Alternatively a 'decompr' class object from load_tables_vectors can be supplied, which will toggle calling wwz() first.


logical. TRUE aggregates the KWW decomposition to the country level, giving exactly the same output as kww. FALSE maintains the sector level decomposition in KWW format.


The mapping of the 16 terms in the WWZ decomposition to the 9 terms in the KWW decomposition is provided in table E2 in the appendix of the WWZ (2013) paper. The table is reproduced here using the term naming conventions followed in this package.

WWZ Terms KWW Term Description
DVA_FIN DVA_FIN Domestic VA in final goods exports.
DVA_INT, DVA_INTrexI1 DVA_INT Domestic VA in intermediate exports absorbed by direct importers. WWZ separates VA in final goods produced and consumed by direct importer from VA used by direct importer to produce intermediate exports for production of domestically consumed final goods in third countries (i.e. the VA is absorbed by the direct importer, but it may be exported to third countries as intermediates first before returning to direct importer as final goods).
DVA_INTrexF, DVA_INTrexI2 DVA_INTrex Domestic VA in intermediate exports reexported to third countries and absorbed there. WWZ separates VA in final goods exports of direct importer to third countries from VA in intermediate exports from direct importers to third countries (that is ultimately absorbed in third countries).
RDV_FIN, RDV_FIN2 RDV_FIN Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns home via final imports. WWZ separates final imports from the direct importer and third countries.
RDV_INT RDV_INT Domestic VA in intermediate exports that returns via intermediate imports (i.e. is used to produce a locally consumed final good).
DDC_FIN, DDC_INT DDC Double counted Domestic Value Added in gross exports. WWZ separates double counting due to final and intermediate exports production.
MVA_FIN, OVA_FIN FVA_FIN Foreign VA in final goods exports. WWZ separates FVA from direct importer and from third countries.
MVA_INT, OVA_INT FVA_INT Foreign VA in intermediate exports. WWZ separates FVA from direct importer and from third countries.
MDC, ODC FDC Double counted Foreign Value Added in gross exports. WWZ separates FDC from direct importer and from third countries.


A data frame with exports decomposed into 9 components (columns), see the table above and kww for a shorter description of the 9 terms.


If both WWZ and KWW decompositions are required, it is computationally more efficient to call wwz2kww(x, aggregate = TRUE) on an already computed WWZ decomposition, than to call kww on a 'decompr' object.


Sebastian Krantz


Koopman, R., Wang, Z., & Wei, S. J. (2014). Tracing value-added and double counting in gross exports. American Economic Review, 104(2), 459-94.

Wang, Zhi, Shang-Jin Wei, and Kunfu Zhu (2013). Quantifying international production sharing at the bilateral and sector levels (No. w19677). National Bureau of Economic Research.

See Also

wwz, kww, decompr-package


# Load example data

# Create intermediate object (class 'decompr')
decompr_object <- load_tables_vectors(leather)
# Perform the WWZ decomposition
WWZ <- wwz(decompr_object)

# Obtain a disaggregated KWW decomposition
KWW <- wwz2kww(WWZ)

# Aggregate KWW 
wwz2kww(WWZ, aggregate = TRUE)

# Same as running KWW directly, but the former is more efficient 
# if we already have the WWZ