--- title: "gvc" author: "Bastiaan Quast" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{gvc} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- A typical workflow begins with using the Leontief decomposition in the `decompr` package. ```{r} # load the decompr package library(decompr) ``` We will use the example data set. ```{r} # load the example data set data(leather) attach(leather) ``` and apply the leontief decomposition and post multiply with exports ```{r} l <- decomp(x = inter, y = final, k = countries, i = industries, o = out, method = "leontief", post = "exports" ) ``` We can now analyse the `l` object with the **gvc** package. ```{r} library(gvc) ``` For instance, using the **New Revealed Comparative Advantage** (`nrca()`), ```{r} nrca(l) ``` or using **Importing to Export** (`i2e()`), ```{r} i2e(l) ```